The Cat from Outer Space

The Cat from Outer Space is a 1978 American comic science fiction film, starring Ronnie Schell, Ken Berry, Sandy Duncan, Harry Morgan, Roddy McDowall and McLean Stevenson.

An unidentified flying object makes an emergency landing on Earth and is taken into custody by the United States government. The occupant of the flying saucer turns out to be a strange catlike alien named ZunarJ59 Doric47. Since the Mother Ship cannot send a rescue party before it leaves the solar system, the cat sets about investigating how to repair the ship himself. Using a special collar that amplifies telekinetic and telepathic abilities, he follows the military to the Energy Research Laboratory or E.R.L., where they hope to learn how the UFOs power source works. One of the labs scientists, Dr. Frank Wilson, attracts the cats attention when his theory on the power source, while ridiculed by the rest of the staff, is actually on the right track.The cat follows Frank to his office, where Frank nicknames him Jake. Another scientist, Dr. Liz Bartlet, storms into his office, upset at Franks sense of humor in light of such an important scientific discovery. Frank is able to calm her down, mostly by introducing Jake and inviting her to dinner. After Liz leaves, Jake reveals his true nature to Frank, demonstrating his abilities and offering to exchange his advanced knowledge on energy for Franks assistance. That evening, the pair plan to break into the military base where Jakes ship is being kept, but must dodge Liz who has arrived for their date with her own cat, Lucybelle. Jake feigns being sick, allowing them to proceed to the base. At the base, Frank uses a backup collar to fly to the top of the ship and attach a diagnostic device. Jake learns that he needs an element that he calls Org 12. When Jake reveals the elements atomic weight, Frank realizes that Orgis the element that humans call gold. ........

Source: Wikipedia